Trowse Primary School

Be Safe, Be Happy, Learn!

Pepperpot Drive, Norwich, Norfolk NR14 8TU


British Values

British Values Statement

Below we explain how at Trowse Primary we develop and promote British Values throughout our school and within our curriculum.


We want every school to promote the basic British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance for those of different faiths and beliefs”. Lord Nash


At Trowse, we pride ourselves on being a welcoming school where kindness and respect is shown to all and everyone is valued as an individual. We believe in celebrating achievement and fostering in children an intrinsic motivation to learn about the world around them, equipping them to become successful learnersconfident individuals and responsible global citizens of the world.


British Values:

  1. The Rule of Law.
  2. Democracy.
  3. Individual Liberty.
  4. Mutual Respect.
  5. Tolerance for those of different faiths and beliefs.


To do this our children will develop:

  • An understanding of how citizens can influence decision-making through the democratic process.
  • An understanding that the freedom to hold other faiths and beliefs is protected in law.
  • An acceptance that people having different faiths or beliefs to oneself (or having none) should be accepted and tolerated and should not be the cause of prejudicial or discriminatory behaviour.
  • An understanding of the importance of identifying and combating discrimination.


HOW WE SUPPORT BRITISH VALUES THROUGH our Aims, ethos and curriculum


The aims of our school

We wish our school to be one where we encourage:

successful learners who will have an enquiring mind, enjoy learning and achieve their full potential.

confident individuals who show resilience and are able to live safe, healthy, fulfilling and aspirational lives.

responsible global citizens who believe in equality, develop empathy and show kindness to all.

The school ethos and values along with the aims of our school carefully reflect these British values, and the whole school strives to uphold them. Children are explicitly taught what British Values are in whole school assemblies and ways in which we embody them at Trowse are displayed in child speak language around the school.


School ethos & values

Here at Trowse, we endeavour to create a secure, caring environment where children can be safe, happy and learn. In our school, our children show care and respect for each other and the whole family feels supported and able to contribute to school life. Here, we have established and maintained a happy school in a pleasant, calm and well-ordered environment, where behaviour is excellent with very low incidences of bullying, where the building and the surroundings are respected and valued, where rich talk for learning and communication is encouraged, where expectations of pupils’ achievements are high and celebrated and where excellence is linked to all aspects of the life and work of the school.

Our whole school code of conduct ensures that we are all working towards upholding this ethos and that we all share the same vision for our school community.  Classes will work together at the beginning of the year to set age-appropriate class rules, giving children a sense of responsibility and security that our school can be a place where they feel safe, happy and can learn.

We encourage our children to complete a pupil questionnaire twice a year which informs our understanding of our children’s wellbeing and allows them to have voice about school life.

At the start of the year, our oldest pupils undergo a democratic process of nominating themselves as House Captains.  These roles are taking very seriously and the whole school has a voice in voting for the children they think will lead their team to success throughout the academic year.

We also have a school council.  Children from across all years of school are represented and act as the voice of the student body.  They get to decide elements such as which charities we fund raise for and have even had a say in the appointment of our most recent member of teaching staff. 


Our Curriculum

The core of what we want to develop is about children learning to be good learners.  Their PERSONAL GOALS. This is not about the content of a subject, but about understanding what qualities make a good learner. To be adaptable, to empathise, to collaborate, to communicate, to be a thinker, to be resilient, to be respectful and the be ethically minded. These qualities are displayed in every classroom and in the hall. Praise and reward in school is often linked to personal qualities, not just 'being the best'.

From September 2022, the thematic approach to foundation subjects comes from the 'International Primary Curriculum'.  This offers an ‘International’ dimension which enables children to be open-minded, global citizens. 

In addition, we mark special days or weeks such as Anti-bullying Week, Pride Week and Odd Socks Day.  Assemblies pick themes such as Black History Month and World Mental Health Day.  We also use our assembly time to celebrate out of school achievements as well as academic and personal successes within the school day.

In our upper years, pupils engage in personal coaching sessions.  The principles of which are to put children at the centre of their learning and teach them the value of concentration, perseverance and deliberate practice.