Trowse Primary School

Be Safe, Be Happy, Learn!

Pepperpot Drive, Norwich, Norfolk NR14 8TU


Parent Support

Apart from teaching your children, the school is also HERE TO HELP YOU. If you are struggling with elements of home life, things like routine, homework, bed times, behaviour, food & nutrition, or need support financially for things like accessing benefits or getting uniform, them why not give us a call and ask to speak to Mr Odell, the Headteacher. He can help you with finding the most appropriate support. 

Everyone needs help sometime- PLEASE just ask. 


The FAMILY HUB is the place to go to. 

There are a lot of services working to support families in Norfolk. Knowing what available is difficult, so they have all been brought together under on Umbrella- the 'Family Hub'. From the minute you know you are having a baby, right up to your child's 19th birthday (or 25th birthday if your child has special educational needs), Norfolk Family Hubs are here to help you. 

This is a physical place- there are offices, all around Norfolk you can go to, or a telephone call or referral. When you contact them, an Early Help Advisor will listen to you and make the most appropriate recommendations in terms of who then helps you. 

CLICK HERE to go to the family hub page.


Nearest Offices:

Norwich: Early Childhood and Family Service base Catton Grove, Fiddlewood and Milecross (Get directions on Google Maps)

Hunter Road, Norwich NR3 3PY

Phone: 01603 303359


Long Stratton Early Childhood and Family Service Base (Get directions on Google Maps)

6 Manor Road, Long Stratton, Norfolk, NR15 2XR

Phone: 01603 307703

Under the Family Hub umbrella, there are three main aspects to their work you might be directed to. These are listed below. 

1. Early Childhood and Family Service

For targeted support for families with 0-5 year olds, there is the 'Early Childhood and Family Service'. They have support available to all families as well as being able to work with individual families on individual needs. 

CLICK HERE to visit their website and see how you can benefit!


2. Early Help

Following on from this is 'Early Help and Family Support' there are various teams that can help here.

The 'Communities and Partnership Teams' are around to help families and children directly, in a series of sessions- providing direct support. They might see a child in school 1-2-1 to help with a specific issue. They might come and see you in the family home for a series of weeks to help. 

The, the 'Communities and Partnerships Team' are around to help signpost to other agencies or

If you are experiencing difficulties in your family or are worried about your children, there are people who can offer help and support. Difficulties could be:

  • Mental health problems
  • Domestic abuse at home
  • Drug or alcohol dependency
  • Your child not going to school
  • Struggling as a lone parent
  • Debt problems
  • Housing problems

CLICK HERE to visit the website of this service. 


3. Just One Norfolk

If you need more general advice from a HEALTH perspective, there is 'Just One Norfolk'. They describe themselves as 'the go to website for Norfolk Families'. It is really user friendly and information is easily accessible.

CLICK HERE for Just One Norfolk.


 Want to make a difference yourself and be a responsible citizen who can give back to your community?

Why not become a PARENT CHAMPION volunteer and make a vital contribution to the lives of families in Norfolk. Parent champions are volunteers who link up with other parents to share information and experiences of local services. Once you are a parent champion, you then have opportunities to learn and develop new skills through a package of ongoing training, which will be provided. You will also have regular meetings with your parent champion coordinator. 



Food Banks

We know that things are difficult financially at the moment for many families. Don't forget that there are Food Banks out there to help if you are in need. The Norwich Food Bank website has lots of information for you about where you can collect food parcels from and the opening times of these organisations. CLICK HERE to visit their site.



We also know that uniform can be a real expense for you. We have a 'NEW TO YOU' option whereby families can donate good condition, second hand uniform so that others can benefit from being able to purchase perfectly good items and cheap prices- £2 per item. Please contact the school office to discuss what items you require. 


Norfolk & Waveney Access to Mental Health Advice and Support 0-25

The Local Authority been working together to build a single place for all requests for advice and support for children and young people’s mental health.

The Just One Number (JON) service now includes a team of expert mental health clinicians who will review each mental health request for support. They will provide advice and support tailored to the child or young person’s needs, and if further support is required, they will forward the request to most suitable provider across our system who can deliver a variety of evidence-based interventions. They will also let the school, and the young person, or their family know the outcome.

 We encourage requests by the child’s parent or carer, or a young person themselves as we know this provides best opportunity to understand need and impact on daily life.

CLICK HERE to access their website.


Flourishing Families Tool

The Flourishing Families Tool has been designed for families who might want a little extra help meeting their child’s needs. We know that parenting can sometimes feel overwhelming but we all share the common goal to give children the best start in life. There are all sorts of things that you can get help with, whether it’s healthy eating, fun activities or financial support, and this tool was developed to help you work out what you’re already doing well and help you find support when and if you need it. Give it a go- you might just find there is help out there. 


Norwich Charitable Trusts

 They have three independent grant-making charities under our Norwich Charitable Trusts umbrella. These are Anguish’s Educational Foundation, Norwich Consolidated Charities and the Norwich Freemen’s Charity. Each of these has a different geographical area of benefit and a different grant-making focus. They may be able to help with the cost of uniform or residential visits for your children.

Currently all applications must be made through one of our Grants Officers. CLICK HERE to go to the website. 


Relationships, Health and Sex Education

School has a curriculum to support 'Relationships and Sex Education, the majority of which is from the Local Authority materials.  This starts in Reception and goes through to year 6. Sex education is taught in Y6. Please see the separate pages on 'RHSE' under the teaching and learning tab to find out more about what is taught.

In addition to what we teach in school, families should always be the foundation of all relationships, health and sex education. Families should not just think 'school do that'. Education about healthy relationships starts in the home.  It is really important you are comfortable at home to be able to talk about everything and anything (at an age appropriate level) with your child, not only to help promote a healthy relationship within the family, but to make sure your child knows who they can ask (i.e. an adult at home) if they don't want to ask something in school.

The NSPCC have a great website for you as parents and carers- to help you with 4 particular areas. These are:

  • Healthy relationships
  • Gender and identity
  • Sexuality and sexual orientation
  • Sexual behaviour in children

CLICK HERE to see their website.