Trowse Primary School

Be Safe, Be Happy, Learn!

Pepperpot Drive, Norwich, Norfolk NR14 8TU


Extra-curricular opportunities

Curriculum Enrichment

Trowse Primary goes beyond the expected, so that pupils have access to a wide, rich set of experiences. We try to make the majority of these available through the school day, so ALL pupils benefit. 

Our curriculum is blocked into units for work, or 'Topics', such as 'Treasure Islands', or 'Space Scientists'. Many of these topics have planned trips out or visitors coming in which enriches the experiences of all in class. 

We support all children through sport. We attend many sporting events: either festivals or competitions. Events such as cross country, dance, tennis, tag rugby and a swimming gala are examples of the extended offer to pupils here at Trowse.

We widen their experience in the curriculum too. In Year 4, all children learn to Ski as part of their PE provision. We are fortunate to have Norfolk Snowsports in our village and make sure we use it! Children have a 10 week course with the aim being that they can become competent across the 10 weeks. 

We take all Y5 children to Whitlingham Adventure to undertake 'Stage 1' RYA sailing qualification. In Y6 they get the chance to go on and complete Stage 2. Completing stage 2 is significant as children can then hire boats and sail without needing to be part of an instructed group. They can sail!

Music tuition is extremely popular.  It is provided by THE BANDWAGON on a Monday and it's a great way to start the week on a Monday. Their annual concert showcases what great musical talent we have! The last two years the concert is 90 minutes long! This is our peripatetic music option for families. In school, Further to this, all children learn instruments for the purposes of performance. In year 2 they learn the Ocarina as part of music lessons. In year 4 they learn Samba (with our full Samba Kit!) and in Year 6 they learn the Ukelele. 
There are so many opportunities for children at Trowse that go beyond the national curriculum. We are proud of the offer here and know it really supports the personal development of children to grow up as successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens.