Breakfast Club
Our Breakfast Club is very popular and a lovely way to start the day for lots of children. It runs from 7.40 - 8.40 every school day, costs £5.00 per day and is open to children from all year groups. Catering is provided by our school kitchen and then the children are given a range of activities to start their day. Payment needs to be made at the time of booking and should be by online banking to the school bank account : NCC Trowse Primary School, sort code 20-62-61, account no. 60513121. Please use child's name and BC as reference.
Booking in advance is essential and needs to be done by Noon on the Friday of the week before. Booking will be through School Cloud. and you can book for the full half term in advance.
We will have a maximum capacity; if you try to book but it seems to not accept your booking this could be because the maximum number are already booked. If you have any queries, do call or e-mail the office.
For more information, call the school office on 01603-622485 or to book, please go to your school cloud account.
Working parents of Primary School aged children who are accessing before and after school childcare (also known as wraparound provision) can use Tax-Free Childcare or Universal Credit Childcare to help pay for Breakfast and After School childcare.
Tax-Free Childcare can be used by working families with children aged 0-11 years and earning under £100k and at least £167 per week, and who aren’t receiving Universal Credit or Tax Credits. For every £8 you pay into an online account, the government will add an extra £2, up to £2000 per child per year.
Universal Credit Childcare can be used by working families claiming Universal Credit with children under 17 years old. Up to 85% of eligible childcare costs can be reclaimed. Parents will need to speak to their work coach for more information.